Parent Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

At what age does Little Impressions accept students?

We welcome children who are above 1 year 6 months old.

My child does not speak English. How does Little Impressions communicate with children who speak in their mother tongue only?

Social interaction, individual and group activities will enable the child to learn the spoken language quickly.

How does Little Impressions make a child’s transition easy?

Keeping the formative years in mind, the child is given freedom to move around, choose, take decisions, explore and discover that helps them in easy transition.

How much time do children spend outdoors?

Children spend a significant amount of time to achieve different developmental tasks like exploring fine and gross motor skills outside at Little Impressions.

How can I find out my child’s progress?

Parents can schedule a meeting through phone or email with the school.

Is Little Impressions approved by the Government of Karnataka?

Little Impressions has been approved by the Government of Karnataka.

How does Little Impression prepare children for primary education?

The Well balanced and holistic curriculum provides the hands-on exploratory learning experience and prepares the child for any type of formal schooling.